Attorney Aaron Minc featured speaker at upcoming CMBA Hot Talks Featured Image

Attorney Aaron Minc featured speaker at upcoming CMBA Hot Talks

Attorney Aaron Minc will be a featured speaker at the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) Hot Talks event on May 14th from noon to 1pm. The subject of this discussion will be Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society: Online Defamation and Anti-Slapp Laws. No need to RSVP. Each talk is open to the public and hosted as a brown bag lunch event.

If you have any questions, please contact the CMBA at (216) 696-3525 or visit the CMBA website.

The event will also be streamed on Facebook Live.



“They were very understanding. They did not judge me and they were very helpful. It gave me peace of mind to have someone who I could turn too in a stressful situation.”

Jordan Fong, January 7, 2022

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