5 Benefits of Hiring an Internet Defamation Lawyer Featured Image

5 Benefits of Hiring an Internet Defamation Lawyer

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Has someone posted something just straight up false and malicious about you on the Internet? Or, someone has written an entirely fake Google review about your local restaurant or business? Or, maybe a news site has wrongly published a piece accusing you of having committed an egregious crime?

Regardless of whether you are trying to deal with a goofy photo from ninth grade y, a less-than-stellar business review, a news write-up of an actual arrest, or more malicious online defamatory content, the question still remains.

Should you attempt to remove it yourself or defer to an experienced attorney? The decision is ultimately up to you.

Regardless of your final choice, it’s important to fully understand and weigh your decision carefully. Attorneys at Minc Law are often asked by potential clients, “Why should I hire an attorney to help me?… What benefits and value will this provide me as opposed to hiring my regular attorney or some online reputation management company to attempt to deal with the issues and problems presented?”

In this blog post we attempt to answer these questions by explaining many of the benefits of hiring an Internet defamation lawyer, so you can better understand and decide whether hiring one is right for you. Generally, if you’ve got an online defamation of character issue, and you’re looking for help from experts that are:

  • Experts in their niche field,
  • Utilize modern technology to quickly solve complex issues,
  • Understand how to protect you against all types of cybercrimes and threats, and
  • Truly can show compassion by put themselves in your shoes,

Then you should definitely consider hiring an Internet defamation lawyer.

Internet Defamation Attorneys are Experts in Defamation Law

Defamation is a highly specialized field of law and internet defamation is even more nuanced. When it comes to Internet defamation, not all lawyers are created equal.

Internet defamation involves countless twists and turns, such as:

Going at it alone can be daunting, time-consuming, and overall, impractical. Internet defamation lawyers are a one-stop-shop for everything Internet defamation, handling every aspect of the case and removal, so you don’t have to.

Internet defamation cases may also be thoroughly intertwined with other related areas of law, such as copyright law, harassment and stalking laws, obscenity laws, and interactive computer service laws. When you work with the best internet defamation attorneys, you’re working with a team that handles these specific issues every single day and is able to quickly and cost-efficiently determine your best course of legal action. Internet defamation attorneys exist to save you both time AND money with their expertise.

To learn more about Internet defamation laws, privileges, and defenses, check out our free Legal Resource Center. To learn more about internet defamation attorneys and their commonly asked questions, we recommend checking out our article “Top 8 Frequently Asked Questions About Internet Defamation Lawyers” for more information.


Internet Defamation Attorneys are Tech Savvy

Changes in the law happen very slowly. Defamation laws, in particular, are quite antiquated. Congress and most state legislatures have failed to respond to the ever-changing nature of the Internet and accompanying technologies, ultimately enabling online threats, cyberbullying, online extortion, sextortion, and internet defamation to thrive.

Before the Internet, defamation suits typically involved statements made by a “town crier” or local hard copy newspaper. However, with the ubiquity of Internet usage (the world over), defamation lawsuits have evolved significantly.

Today, online defamers can mask their identities with VPNs, throwaway emails, and complex relay networks to publish libelous online content and attacks, some from the other side of the world.

Experienced Internet defamation attorneys are up-to-date with the latest technological trends, investigation tools, and web monitoring services essential for unmasking anonymous Internet trolls, subpoenaing Internet service providers, and preserving potentially fleeting evidence.

Furthermore, experienced Internet defamation lawyers have to know how to navigate the popular websites and forums that predators use to defame others. This requires establishing working relationships with website administrators, third-party arbitration firms, and other online news, media, and publishing organizations.

Because defamation tends to occur on third party sites like Facebook, Twitter and many others, seasoned online defamation attorneys will have an arsenal of relationships with the right third parties to get unsavory and malicious content removed in a timely fashion.

Internet Defamation Attorneys Understand Online Extortion

If you’ve found defamatory attacks and posts about yourself on the Internet, the reality is that it’s likely the tip of a cybercrime iceberg.

Defamation isn’t the only cyber-threat that internet defamation attorneys deal with on a regular basis, as there’s often a perceivable intersection amongst varying cyber attacks. On top of defamatory posts and media attacking a client, many clients are also being extorted online in other ways as well, whether it’s a:

  • Bitcoin scam,
  • Sextortion,
  • Catfishing, or
  • Hackers looking to make a quick buck.

Internet defamation attorneys are well versed in all types of Internet attacks, including online extortion, and are able to apply their tech-savvy unmasking techniques and online investigation services to track down online extortioners, harassers, and cyberstalkers to hold them liable for their actions.

Video: Everything You Should Know About Minc Law’s Online Investigation Services

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Likewise, online threats don’t occur in isolation just in the United States, investigations often lead to websites and perpetrators located in other countries, so your attorney needs to know how to prosecute international online threats.

When you hire an internet defamation attorney, you don’t just get access to an attorney, but a team of experts who have access to confidential private investigation databases, understand how to sift through mountains of technological data, and have proven success litigating in foreign countries.


Are you being defamed online? Contact Minc Law today!


Internet Defamation Attorneys are Experts in Content Removal

Traditionally, defamation and personal injury attorneys have been primarily interested in securing financial settlements for their clients. While financial settlements can be helpful in covering damages, however, they are virtually meaningless if the negative and defamatory content still remains online.

Many attorneys who don’t specialize in internet defamation and content removal handle online issues defamation by using antiquated tactics, such as serving the other party with a “cease and desist” letter. Such tactics may be useful in a minority of cases, but in most other situations, legal threats can be counterproductive and can cause a lot more harm than good.

In the wild world of Internet defamation, there’s a well-known phenomenon called the “Streisand effect,” which involves a person inadvertently making a situation worse due to their attempt to suppress online information. The term was coined after famous American singer and actress Barbra Streisand sued a photographer for taking aerial photos of her home. Prior to her lawsuit, the photographs were virtually unheard of and had been viewed by roughly 4 people. After her attorney filed the lawsuit, however, the incident went viral, drawing far more negative publicity than the photos would have generated on their own accord.

Internet defamation attorneys deal with these issues and risks every day and know-how and when to handle a situation discreetly to reduce or eliminate the possibility of more unwanted content or attention resulting from a removal request. At Minc Law, content removal is what we focus on every day and have documented success in, so there’s no need to worry about having your case mishandled and cause further exposure to the entire world of the very thing you were attempting to have removed.

Internet defamation attorneys have a full creative arsenal of creative, technical, and legal problem-solving skills to resolve online defamation issues. For example, well over half the cases at Minc Law are successfully resolved without any lawsuits or legal threats.

Internet Defamation Attorneys are Sympathetic Advocates

Internet defamation lawyers deal solely with internet defamation, extortion, internet blackmail, cyberharassment, and content removal, all day every day. They have seen it all AND handled it all. Because of this, they know and understand what you are going through. They understand that internet defamation takes an emotional toll on victims, especially when the attacks get personal.

Cyber attacks can be extremely traumatic and even talking about the attacks can trigger strong emotions. Internet defamation attorneys need to be trauma-informed and approach victims and clients with compassion.

Many attorneys simply focus on a victim’s financial damages or trivialize the harm a client is facing, failing to recognize the multitude of ways internet defamation up-ends a victim’s life. Internet defamation removal attorneys understand the embarrassment and distress cyber-attacks cause and are able to step into the shoes of their clients to offer more than just legal advice, but a sympathetic ear as well.

Having a sympathetic advocate on your side is empowering and goes a long way toward not only restoring your confidence, but crafting a comprehensive narrative for courts, websites, and search engines presented with a content removal request.

For these reasons, Internet defamation attorneys need to be both soft AND strong, to treat victims with compassion while building a zealous case simultaneously.

What Steps Should You Take Next?

If you have been the victim of defamatory remarks, online extortion, blackmail, Internet harassment, or other online threats and want to explore your legal options, reach out to the experienced defamation and internet harassment lawyers of Minc Law as soon as possible. For further reading on the basics of defamation lawsuits, we recommend checking out our article, Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Defamation Attorney.

We offer free, no-obligation consultations with our intake team because we’re here to help restore your reputation and stop the online attacks!

Contact us today by calling (216) 373-7706, or by filling out our contact form online.

Do you still have questions about Minc Law, or the services we offer? In the video below, we answer the top six questions that we are asked here at Minc Law so that you can feel more confident in our ability to handle your internet-related issue.

Video: Top 6 Client Questions We Get at Minc Law

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“Trust me, you don’t want to get into these messes, but I feel a lot more at ease having spoken with the kind folks here at Minc Law. It really won’t hurt to call and assess your options.”

JMS, January 25, 2022

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