How to Delete Leaked Snapchat Content From the Internet Featured Image

How to Delete Leaked Snapchat Content From the Internet

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It can be distressing to find that content you shared intimately (or publicly) on Snapchat has been leaked and posted on the internet. Unfortunately, Snapchat leaks are a distressing reality in today’s digital age and pose significant threats to both personal privacy and online safety.

To remove your leaked Snapchat photos from the internet, promptly change all account passwords, initiate takedown requests by directly reporting the content to platforms or utilizing DMCA takedown notices, report the content to search engines for deindexing, contact law enforcement for severe breaches, and consult an experienced content removal attorney to explore your removal options.

At Minc Law, we have extensive experience navigating the complexities of internet defamation and privacy laws to achieve the swift and discreet removal of content from the internet. We have helped remove over 50,000 pieces of damaging online content from the web and know what works. Below, we explore strategies for individuals to respond to and mitigate the damage caused by leaked Snapchat content, emphasizing legal remedies and protective measures available to safeguard one’s digital reputation.

Immediate Steps to Take After Discovering a Snapchat Leak

Once you have discovered that your Snapchat content has been leaked, we recommend taking the following steps:

Secure Your Devices and Accounts

Upon discovering a Snapchat leak of your intimate content, securing all devices and online accounts is a critical step in damage control and preventing further unauthorized access. First, change your Snapchat password immediately to a strong, unique passphrase and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of login security. Review your Snapchat settings and disconnect any third-party apps with access to your account.

Next, check for any signs of malware or spyware on your devices, as these can compromise your information. This might involve running a thorough scan using reputable antivirus software and removing any suspicious applications.

Finally, update your passwords for all other online accounts, especially if you have reused similar passwords across various platforms. Consider also using a password manager to securely store your login credentials.

Find All Instances of the Leaked Content Online

To find all instances of leaked Snapchat content online, a multi-faceted approach combining manual searches, technological tools, and professional services is most effective.

  1. Begin by conducting searches on popular search engines like Google using relevant keywords that might be associated with your content, including your name or username(s).
  2. Utilize reverse image search engines like Google Image Search or TinEye by uploading a photo; these tools can locate identical or similar images across the web.
  3. Set up Google Alerts for your name or other identifying details to receive real-time notifications of new content as it appears online.
  4. For more thorough monitoring, consider employing digital footprint scanning and mitigation services that specialize in scouring the deeper parts of the internet, including less popular forums and websites.

Report to All Social Media Platforms Where the Content is Posted

Reporting leaked intimate content on social media platforms involves a unique process for each. Below are the reporting procedures for four of the most common social media platforms and apps, including Snapchat:


  1. Navigate to the photo or video that you want to report.
  2. Click on the options menu (three dots) beside the post.
  3. Select “Find support or report photo” for photos or “Find support or report video” for videos.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions and select the option that best describes the issue, such as “Involves a nude photo of me.”
  5. Submit the report for Facebook to review.


  1. Go to the Tweet with the photo or video you would like to report.
  2. Click on the downward arrow on the upper right side of the Tweet.
  3. Select “Report Tweet.”
  4. Choose “It’s abusive or harmful.”
  5. Next, choose “Includes private information,” then “Intimate photos or videos of someone without their permission.”
  6. Follow the prompts to submit your report.


  1. Tap the three dots above the post with the content you want to report.
  2. Choose “Report.”
  3. Select “It’s inappropriate,” and then “Nude or sexual content.”
  4. Follow the steps to complete the report.


  1. Press and hold the Snap until a menu appears.
  2. Tap “Report Snap.”
  3. Choose “Nudity or sexual content” as the reason.
  4. Fill in the additional details and submit your report.

For all platforms, after submitting a report, the content will be reviewed by the platform’s moderators who will then determine the appropriate course of action based on their community standards.

For further reading, please see our comprehensive guides explaining ‘How to Report a Snapchat Account & Story’ and ‘What to Do If Someone is Blackmailing You on Snapchat’.

Report to Search Engines For Deindexing From Results

Reporting leaked intimate Snapchat content to search engines for deindexing is important because it helps remove the content from search results, reducing its visibility and accessibility. While this does not permanently remove the content from the internet, it can be an effective first step to protecting your privacy and mitigating potential harm to your reputation and mental well-being.

Reporting leaked intimate content to search engines involves a removal request to deindex the URLs from their search results. Below are step-by-step instructions for Google and Bing:


  1. Visit Google’s ‘Remove Content From Google’ page.
  2. Navigate to the section labeled “Remove information you see in Google Search” and select the appropriate scenario.
  3. If the content is explicit or intimate images or videos that were shared without your consent, click “Yes” to the question asking if they are such images.
  4. You will be directed to the form “Request to remove your personal information on Google,” where you will fill out the required information about the content and yourself.
  5. Provide the URLs of the content you want deindexed, a description of the content, and any additional information that might be helpful.
  6. Submit your request, and Google will review it to determine if the content violates their policies and is eligible for removal.


To report your leaked intimate content to Bing for deindexing, follow these instructions:

  1. Go directly to Microsoft’s “Report non-consensual intimate imagery” page.
  2. Scroll down to the section titled “How to report non-consensual intimate imagery.”
  3. Click on the link provided to access the reporting form.
  4. You will need to fill out the form with your contact information, including your full name and email address.
  5. In the section provided, specify the URLs of the content that you want to be removed from Bing’s search results.
  6. You will be asked to detail the nature of the content and your situation. Here, it’s important to clarify that the intimate imagery was shared without your consent.
  7. After filling out all the necessary information on the reporting form, review the details to ensure accuracy.
  8. Submit the form to Microsoft for review.

Remember to provide accurate and detailed information when submitting deindexing requests to ensure that the search engine has all the necessary context to process and honor your request.

Contact Law Enforcement

Reporting leaked intimate content to law enforcement is another critical step because it may initiate an investigation into the matter, lead to holding perpetrators accountable under applicable laws, and provide a pathway to legal recourse and protection for victims.

To report leaked intimate content to law enforcement is to file a report with your local police department and submit a complaint to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), ensuring that both local and federal authorities are informed and can take appropriate action.

Contact an Experienced Content Removal Attorney

An experienced content removal attorney can assist victims who have their intimate content distributed without consent by exploring both legal and non-legal avenues for content removal, pursuing civil action against perpetrators for damages, and providing expert advice on privacy and cyber laws to restore the victim’s reputation and online presence.

Legal Options For Victims of Leaked Intimate Content on Snapchat

If your Snapchat content is leaked and posted to the internet, you may have several key legal options available. These include:

DMCA Takedown Notices

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) allows victims to send DMCA takedown notices to online service providers for content that infringes on their copyright. When intimate content is leaked without consent, if the victim holds the copyright – which most do by default as the original creator of the image or video – they can fill out a DMCA takedown notice form provided by the platform hosting the content or work with an experienced content removal attorney to send one.

Service providers are required by law to respond promptly to these notices by removing the infringing material to avoid liability, making this an effective tool for victims to have unauthorized content taken down from websites and search engines.

Protective Orders

Protective orders, also known as restraining orders, are legal orders issued by a court to protect victims from further harassment or abuse. In the context of leaked intimate content, and where victims know the identity of the perpetrator, applying for and obtaining a protective order can prohibit the perpetrator from continued sharing or distribution of the content and may provide additional safety measures for them.

Victims can apply for a protective order through their local court, and if granted, violation of the order by the perpetrator can result in legal consequences (including jail time), ultimately providing a mechanism for preventing additional harm.

Criminal Prosecution

Criminal prosecution involves charging the perpetrator with a crime and is often a viable option when there are specific laws against non-consensual pornography, sometimes referred to as “revenge porn” laws. These laws make it unlawful to distribute intimate images or videos of someone without their consent.

Victims can report the crime to law enforcement, who may choose to investigate the matter and charge the offender. Successful prosecution can result in penalties for the perpetrator, such as fines or imprisonment, and serve as a deterrent to others.

For further reading, please see our comprehensive article ‘How to File a Revenge Porn Lawsuit’.

Civil Lawsuits

Victims may pursue civil lawsuits against the individuals responsible for leaking their intimate content, seeking monetary damages and legal remedies for the harm caused. A civil suit can address various unlawful acts, including invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, revenge porn, or defamation.

By filing a lawsuit, victims can potentially receive compensation for their damages, such as emotional suffering or damage to reputation, and can also gain a formal legal acknowledgment of the wrongdoing, which can be instrumental in the healing process and restoration of their reputation.

How Minc Law Can Help With Leaked Snapchat Content

At Minc Law, we have helped countless individuals remove intimate and damaging content from the internet. We know what works and what does not when it comes to quickly and discreetly removing intimate content from the web.

“Amazing Amazing- I worked with Nathan and his great assistants Ava , Alex. After 17 years in business I never had a situation that was so devastating for me, with a unstable client, Scary They fixed it. My greatest thanks! Hire them!!”

T. Thompson
February 18, 2024

If you would like to explore your options to remove leaked Snapchat content from the internet, reach out to schedule your initial, no-obligation consultation by calling us at (216) 373-7706 or filling out our online contact form.

Are you being defamed online? Contact Minc Law today!

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