How to Deal With a Snapchat Nude Scam Featured Image

How to Deal With a Snapchat Nude Scam

Finding yourself at the center of a Snapchat nude scam can feel incredibly isolating and overwhelming, and it can feel like there is no escape. However, you do have options and are not powerless. Despite a scammer’s best efforts to leave you feeling helpless and alone, there are numerous effective strategies and resources to effectively counteract and combat Snapchat nude scams.

If you are targeted by a Snapchat nude scam, we recommend you take these steps:

  • Stop all communication with the scammer;
  • Do not negotiate or pay them;
  • Preserve all evidence of the scam and the scammer’s account(s);
  • Report the scammer to Snapchat;
  • Report the scammer to law enforcement and cybercrime agencies;
  • Consult with an experienced legal professional.

At Minc Law, we provide compassionate and effective counsel for victims of Snapchat nude scams and similar forms of online harassment. We help take this burden off of our clients’ shoulders by taking over direct communications with the scammers, swiftly removing intimate content (should it ever be posted), and monitoring the internet for subsequent threats and attacks – all without drawing unwanted attention to this sensitive matter.

Below, we will explain what a ‘Snapchat nudes scam’ looks like, its effects on those targeted, and provide practice guidance on how to effectively respond and deal with such blackmail attempts on Snapchat.

What is a Snapchat Nude Scam?

Recently, we have seen a devastating scam emerge on Snapchat, involving the solicitation of nude photographs, videos, and content from unsuspecting users, which is then followed by demands of payment to prevent its publication online. This scam is carried out by bad actors who create fake profiles to “catfish” their victims. They often pose as an attractive young woman or man and initiate conversations that quickly turn sexual, under the guise of “harmless fun.” The scammer may also share intimate content, which is not their own but usually sourced from popular adult sites, to gain the victim’s trust and encourage them to reciprocate.

After a victim sends an explicit image or video, the scammer drops their friendly demeanor, claiming they saved or recorded copies of the compromising and intimate content. They then threaten to share that content with family, friends, coworkers, or social media followers, unless the victim complies by paying a financial ransom.

While being targeted by a Snapchat nude scam can be terrifying, and you may feel like you have nowhere to turn, there are ways to fight back.

What to Do If You Are the Target of a Snapchat Nude Photo Scam

If you are the victim of a Snapchat Nude Scam, where someone uses personal content to extort or blackmail you for money, it is crucial to stay calm and take practical steps to address the situation.

Extortionists strive to induce panic, isolation, and urgency in every interaction and will push you to comply quickly. However, it is important to remain composed and understand that help is available.

Avoid Direct Communication With the Scammer

While it may seem instinctual to engage with the scammer, we recommend ceasing all communication and avoiding engaging with them further. Continuing to engage with an extortionist can unintentionally empower them. These individuals often cast a wide net, targeting multiple users to find vulnerable victims.

Responding to their threats can signal that you are an easy target, encouraging further harassment. Cut off all communication with them – most will move on to another victim. This denies them the reaction they seek and know how to prey upon and can deter further attempts.

Do Not Negotiate or Make Payments

Negotiating with or paying the extortionist might seem like a quick way to make the situation go away but it often leads to more demands and harassment. Compliance can show the extortionist that you are willing to meet their demands, making you a target for ongoing extortion.

Further, there is no assurance they will honor any agreement to delete the content in question.

Document All Evidence

Gathering evidence of the attack is a critical step in fighting back against extortion. Save every piece of communication, including their account username, messages, demands, and any content they claim to have. If possible, use this information to construct a chronological timeline of events.

Snapchat’s “in-app” interface notifies users when someone on the other side takes a screenshot of their content, so make sure to save any documentation or screenshots of these notifications.

Beware that if you screenshot the scammer’s content or messages, they will receive a notification, so we recommend using a separate device to document the evidence.

Ultimately, this documentation may be invaluable not only for reporting the scam to Snapchat but to the authorities as well.

For further reading, please see our article ‘Do Blackmailers Give Up If You Ignore Them?’.

Secure Your Privacy Settings

Review and adjust your privacy settings on Snapchat to limit who can contact you and view your content. Consider setting your account to private and allowing only known contacts to message you or view your stories. Additionally, review friend requests and connections critically to avoid potential scammers.

Shoring up your privacy settings on other social media accounts and online profiles may also help protect against the scammer attempting to message you on a different platform.

Set Up Online Alerts For Your Name

Consider setting up a free online alerts and detection service like Google Alerts to monitor the internet for mentions of your name and other personal identifiers. This measure can help you identify and quickly react to damaging or intimate material posted about you on the internet. You can then work to remove it or address it legally with the help of an experienced attorney.

To create a Google alert for your name:

  1. Go to Google Alerts.
  2. In the box at the top, enter your name, personal identifiers, or topic you want to receive alerts for.
  3. To change your settings, click Show options and select:
    1. How often you want to receive notifications.
    2. The types of sites you will see.
    3. Your language.
    4. The part of the world you want information from.
    5. How many results you want to see.
    6. What accounts get the alert.
  4. Click Create Alert. You will receive emails whenever Google finds matching search results.

Report the Scammer to Snapchat

Detailed reporting through the Snapchat app not only helps to alert the platform of the perpetrator’s behavior, potentially leading to their suspension or removal, but it also aids in safeguarding other potential victims.

To report extortion in a Snapchat Snap or Story:

  1. Go to the Snap or Story.
  2. Press and hold it.
  3. Select “Report Snap”.
  4. In the dialog box, select the reason for reporting.
  5. Press “Submit”.

To report a Snapchat account for extortion:

  1. Go to the user’s profile.
  2. Press and hold their username.
  3. Select “Manage Friendship”.
  4. Tap “Report”.

For a detailed guide, make sure to read our resource explaining ‘How to Report a Snapchat Account & Story’.

Report the Scam to Law Enforcement

Aside from reporting the scam to Snapchat, you can also make a report with law enforcement and cybercrime agencies.

Blackmail and extortion are illegal. We recommend reporting the Snapchat extortion to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a dedicated cybercrime agency specializing in documenting and investigating popular and emerging online crimes.

After a complaint is filed with the IC3, the information is reviewed by an analyst and forwarded to federal, state, local, or international law enforcement or regulatory authorities with jurisdiction, as appropriate.

Consider also reporting the scam to your local FBI field office or INTERPOL. We also recommend that minors report the incident to the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

Consult With an Experienced Sextortion or Blackmail Attorney

Reaching out to a legal professional specializing in online crimes such as extortion, sextortion, and blackmail can be an effective first step toward preventing this devastating crime from escalating any further.

An experienced extortion attorney can help provide objective advice, take over direct communications with the scammer, gather evidence, report the account to Snapchat, and collaborate with law enforcement – all without drawing further attention to the situation. They can also work to remove any intimate online content and monitor the internet for subsequent postings and attacks.

For further reading, please see our comprehensive guides ‘What to Do if Someone is Blackmailing You on Snapchat’ and ‘How to Stop Blackmail Online’.

Advice For Staying Safe on Snapchat Going Forward

In a digital age where scams and malicious activities are around every virtual corner, ensuring that you not only utilize best practices for online security on Snapchat but other online platforms can help significantly mitigate the risk of falling victim to these types of scams.

Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activating two-factor authentication (2FA) for all online accounts can introduce a crucial security barrier for perpetrators trying to access your accounts.

For example, when using a two-factor authentication app, or SMS or email verification for 2FA, any attempt to access the online account it is tied to triggers a timed six-digit verification code or approval message sent to your phone or email. This can act as a robust defense and extra hurdle for unauthorized persons trying to access your personal information or digital media.

Regularly Update Your Privacy Settings

Snapchat’s customizable privacy settings allow you to control who views your content and who can interact with you. Regular evaluations and adjustments of these settings are essential to ensure they align with your current privacy needs.

This includes specifying who can see your stories, send you messages, and more. Staying proactive with these settings can significantly reduce unwanted (or dangerous) interactions and exposure.

Exercise Caution With Your Posts & Content You Share

The permanence of online content is a critical consideration for any digital platform user. Before sharing content on Snapchat, think carefully about the potential long-term impact of doing so. Know that any content you share can be screenshotted and potentially shared beyond your intended audience, sometimes without your consent.

This should guide your decision-making process each time you consider sharing something on the platform – especially with strangers.

Learn to Spot Fake Profiles on Snapchat

Similar to Instagram, Snapchat is home to millions of social media influencers, celebrities, and other popular figures, making it difficult to differentiate authentic accounts from fraudulent ones. However, the most effective strategy to evade Snapchat scams and safeguard against identity theft is to identify and report scammers before they have an opportunity to “gain entry” into your online world.

To distinguish between real and fake Snapchat accounts, we recommend following these steps:

  • Examine their Snap score to determine the activity level. A low Snap score in someone claiming to be an influencer or model suggests the account may be fake.
  • Verify their location through Snap map. Ensure it aligns with the information provided in their profile.
  • Use Google reverse image search to find the origin of profile or story photos. Fake accounts often use stolen images.
  • Look for the presence of a Bitmoji (a personal emoji available to all Snapchat users). The absence of a Bitmoji may indicate a fake account, as most Snapchat users have one.
  • Evaluate the content of their messages. Unsolicited requests for help or suspicious links are indicators of a scam. Verify through alternative communication if a known contact sends unusual messages.

Use a Strong, Unique Password

Ensure your Snapchat account has a strong, unique password that is not reused across other online accounts. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords. Regularly changing your Snapchat password can also help safeguard against unauthorized access.

We Can Help You Stop & Respond to Blackmail

Facing threats of having your private content shared on Snapchat and beyond can lead to significant distress and uncertainty. However, you have more options than you think to navigate this situation effectively and come out safely and securely on the other side.

At Minc Law, we have extensive experience helping victims of extortion and blackmail on Snapchat effectively navigate these turbulent waters. We help take the burden of communicating with the perpetrator off your shoulders and mitigate the risk of publication or distribution of your sensitive content. Should any of your intimate content ever be published, we swiftly and discreetly work to permanently remove it from the internet.

“I was recently a victim of a predator trying to extort me. I was lost and had not idea what to do till I found Minc Law. Dorian and Anna were amazing, patient and completely understanding of my situation. I followed their expert advice and the problem went away and I fell like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I cannot thank Minc Law enough for protecting my reputation. I would recommend Minc Law to anyone in a similar situation. They are simply the best. Thank you for everything.”

March 10, 2023

If you would like to explore your options to address Snapchat nude scams head-on, reach out to schedule your initial, no-obligation consultation by calling us at (216) 373-7706 or filling out our online contact form.

Are you being defamed online? Contact Minc Law today!

This page has been peer-reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by qualified attorneys to ensure substantive accuracy and coverage.

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