The Complete Guide to Removing Damaging Content From the Internet Featured Image

The Complete Guide to Removing Damaging Content From the Internet

In today’s digital age, a less-than-stellar online reputation can affect your employment, personal life, and even financial prospects. When you discover negative and damaging information about yourself or your business online, you want to get that content removed, and quickly.

Twelve effective methods to get content removed from the internet include:

  1. Reach out to the individual or website to request its removal;
  2. Obtain a court order to remove the harmful content;
  3. Send a cease and desist letter;
  4. Make an editorial request;
  5. Send a DMCA takedown notice;
  6. Submit a de-indexing request to search engines for terms of service violations;
  7. Request its removal from data broker websites;
  8. Ask the website to add a no-index tag to the URL;
  9. Ask the website to change or update the content;
  10. Suppress the negative content with online reputation management;
  11. Flag the content for terms of service violations;
  12. Submit a revenge porn removal request to Google.

At Minc Law, we have removed more than 50,000 pieces of defamatory and damaging content online using these very techniques. We have seen nearly every form of damaging online content. With our deep experience, we know the most effective steps to achieve swift content removals.

In this article, you will learn how to take control of your digital footprint and remove negative online content. We will also discuss what to do when content removal is impossible, including de-indexing the websites that host the negative content, updating outdated information, and suppressing negative information about you or your business.

Finally, we discuss when it is best to hire an expert and how to find the best company or person for the job.

Methods to Remove Negative Content From the Internet

The best method for removing unwanted online materials will depend on the facts of your situation. This includes the type of information posted and where it has been posted.

Of course, if you can control the website(s) where the damaging content is published, simply log in and remove it. But, what can you do if the negative content is posted on a site that you do not control?

What Are the Best Methods to Remove Negative Information & Content From the Internet?

Remove the Negative Content at Its Source

Whenever possible, you want to remove negative content directly from the website where the negative information is posted. When the information no longer exists, it will not show up on search engine pages, or otherwise be pulled into other websites.

To do this, you need to reach out to the individual or website directly and ask them to remove the content. In a dispute situation, you will also need to take steps to ensure that the person publishing the information does not do it again.

Obtain a Court Order to Remove Content

In some cases, a website or author is unwilling, or unable, to remove harmful content. This may be because the author refuses to remove the content voluntarily; the author is anonymous and cannot be directly contacted; or the website or internet service provider requires a court order to remove it, among other reasons. In these cases, you may need to obtain a court order to remove content.

Court orders are extremely effective for online content removal. They are widely recognized as legitimate and trustworthy. Many online platforms and social media companies have policies that content subject to a court order will be removed.

Send a Cease and Desist Letter

A cease and desist letter is a demand to another person or entity that they stop their potentially unlawful or harmful behavior and not do it again. The letter often closes by saying that if the party does not cease (take down the offending material about you) and desist (stop posting additional harmful material about you), a lawsuit will follow.

If you know who the perpetrator is, a cease and desist letter can be a useful tool when written well. It is much cheaper than proceeding with a court order. It can also accomplish your goals quickly, without the emotional stress of litigation. However, be careful when sending these. An ineffective cease and desist letter can trigger the “Streisand Effect.”

Generally, you will get better results when you send a cease and desist letter drafted and signed by an internet defamation attorney. This provides more gravitas behind the letter and shows that you are serious about moving forward with a lawsuit if need be.

Make an Editorial Request

Sometimes the expression “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar” applies in legal settings too. An editorial request is a content removal strategy that involves a polite dialogue between you (or your attorney) and a website owner. Unlike cease and desist letters, editorial requests do not contain threats. They rely on opening a dialogue and using an objective tone.

Editorial requests work best with news outlets, media websites, and blogs when the content at issue is fact-based, true, and not defamatory. In addition to seeking outright removal of content in an editorial request, you can also propose alternative strategies such as de-indexing or removing certain identifying information.

For further learning on making an editorial request to remove news articles from the internet, make sure to check out our comprehensive article by attorney Dorrian Horsey ‘4 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Removing Negative News Articles’ and the article’s video version below.

Send a DMCA Takedown Notice

If the offensive content involves an image you have taken or your own artistic works or writings, it could infringe on your copyrights. If your copyrighted work is being published without your permission, you can serve a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notice.

A DMCA takedown notice is a legal notice to remove your copyrighted material that is being posted online. It is sent from the copyright holder (or the holder’s agent) to the person who unlawfully posted the content, or to the website, search engine, or web host where the content was posted. DMCA takedown notices have the benefit of taking comparatively less time than a court order.

Understanding how to send a DMCA takedown notice and doing so properly can be tricky. If not done correctly they are often ignored. It’s a good idea to retain an attorney for assistance with difficult DMCA removals.

Submit a De-indexing Request to Search Engines For Terms of Service Violations

It is not always possible to remove offending content directly from its source. In these situations, getting the content out of search results is the next best thing. This can be done by getting a court order or flagging a search result for violation of Google’s policies.

While de-indexing a website will stop the offensive content from showing up in search results, it will not delete the original web page or otherwise change the content that the website contains. However, if search engines do not link to the content, it is effectively hidden from public view without a direct link.

Nearly 90% of all web searches are done through Google, so removing unwanted search results from Google should be your first stop when trying to de-index content. Google is commonly willing to remove certain types of content, including revenge porn and intimate images; select financial, medical and national ID information, doxxing content, and the like.

If the information falls within these categories, you can fill out this form to seek to have it removed. Google usually reviews and removes content within a few days.

Ask the Website to Add a No-Index Tag to the URL

If the website is unwilling or unable to fully remove the content, you can ask the website to add a “no-index tag” to the content’s URL.

A no-index tag is hidden in the metadata of the website and tells search engines not to index the page – which means the page will not show up in search results. This request is most likely to be successful with news outlets and gossip forums, but the request can be made to any type of website.

Often, the no-index tag request can be made in an editorial request, as discussed above. If a website is willing to work with you (or your attorney), you may see results in about 1-3 months.

Change or Update the Content

Sometimes web sites may be willing to remove a piece of content or de-index it but will agree to change or update the content. This is the case with news articles. This is often a good remedy in situations where the content that is published contains factual inaccuracies and errors, is outdated, unduly harmful, or is one-sided.

As with editorial requests, it is generally best to take a neutral or conciliatory tone with these requests. It is helpful to outline the reasons why you want the articles updated. You should also include how the negative article affects your financial, emotional, or even physical health.

Suppress the Negative Content

Several years ago, a funny meme made its way around the internet – “The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google search results.” There is truth in this meme. It is rare for people to go beyond the first page of their Google searches – of even the first entry. Page one Google results enjoy 95% of all search traffic, and the first organic result garners 32.5% of overall search traffic.

When you cannot get the content removed, de-indexed, or updated, the next best step is to attempt to suppress the negative content.

While the negative content you wish to have removed may still exist, if no one sees it, it does you little harm. Working with an online reputation management company can help drive the negative content about you off the first page and help strengthen positive messaging about you. This means when someone googles you or your business, 95% of people will only see the positive.

Flagging For Terms of Service Violations

Many websites, including Google, have a terms of service (TOS) page. The TOS is a legal agreement between the service provider and the individual who uses the site or service. By using the site, the individual user agrees to the TOS.

The terms typically limit the type and nature of content users can post. For instance, there may be a ban on hate speech, pornographic content, or speech that incites violence. Most social media sites, video sharing sites, review sites, and search engines also have a procedure for individuals to flag inappropriate content.

When a user flags inappropriate content, the website host is alerted. The host then reviews the content and determines if it needs to be removed for violating the TOS. Flagged content can be reviewed as soon as within hours or up to a week or so of being flagged.

You do not need to hire an attorney to flag content. However, if the flagged material was not removed or has been ignored, you may choose to hire an attorney. Popular websites receive many of these requests. So a follow-up from an attorney may cause the matter to be taken more seriously or expedited.

Revenge Porn Removal Request Submission to Google

If nude photographs or videos of you were posted online without your consent, you are one of the one in twelve people in the United States who have been subjected to revenge porn. Revenge porn can be removed from revenge porn websites and the internet.

While removing content from the website itself can be difficult, Google has very strict policies against the distribution of pornographic images without consent. A revenge porn removal request can be sent directly to Google. Google will generally review and remove the content from its search results within a few days.

Underage Nudity Removal Request Submission to Google

Images of underage nudity, or child pornography, are unlawful. If you discover underage nude photos or videos of yourself or others online, you must act quickly to remove and report it – either by yourself or with the help of an attorney.

Underage images should be reported to local law enforcement and the National Center for the Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).

In addition to reporting it, you should seek to have the materials removed quickly so that the image does not get shared further. We have extensive experience reporting and removing child pornography from the internet, and act swiftly to end its dissemination, work with law enforcement, and hold offenders responsible.

How Do I Remove My Personal Information From the Internet For Free?

If you have ever Googled yourself, you might be surprised to see how much information about you is out there. Your address, prior court records, telephone number, are all fair game for data brokers – companies that collect your personal information and resell it to other companies for marketing purposes.

If you are affected by the work of data brokers and have found sites hosting your court records, prior arrest records, police blotters, or mugshot photos, we recommend checking out the video below, where we walk you though the process of removing these documents from the internet, so that you can put your best digital foot forward.

Video: How to Remove Your Court Records From the Internet

Video Placeholder



Having all this easily accessible personal information about you on the great wide web is troubling. It raises the possibility of identity theft and security breaches. It also makes it easier for stalkers and scammers to obtain your location and phone number to harass you.

There are many free ways to remove your personal information from the web. Most well-known data brokers offer an “opt-out” option to allow you to remove part or all of your data from a particular data broker site. You can find a master list of site opt-out links here.

You can also stop giving out your information, starting by locking down your social media accounts. Remember to always make sure your social media privacy settings are set to “private.”

What You Need to Remove Negative Content From the Internet

To remove negative content, you need to know three basic things to get started:

  1. Website or platform’s contact information;
  2. Their content removal policies; and
  3. When it is time to turn to the experts.

Website or Platform Contact Information

You cannot get something removed if you cannot contact the person who needs to remove it. So the first step to removing negative content from the internet is knowing how to contact the person who published the information. This could be the website where the content is published, the hosting or internet service provider, or the website registrar.

For example, if someone registers your name as a domain name, it is generally best practice to first search the offending website for publicly viewable domain name registration information that can be used to contact the site’s owner. You can then email the registrant to submit your demand or offer to purchase the domain.

If a website or platform’s contact information is not available, you can often find the information you need for free using,, or You may also be able to find relevant contact information in a website’s terms and conditions policy.

Website or Platform Content Removal Policies

Once you know who to contact, you need to understand what their policies are for removal. This way, you can best craft your argument as to why the information violates the policies and should be taken down.

For instance, Google, Twitter, and Facebook – even data broker websites – all have terms of use and policies to get content taken down or removed from search results. If you log on to Facebook and see that someone has made a copycat profile page of yours, this is a violation of their terms of service and may be cybersquatting. By pointing to the violation of this specific term of service, you should be able to have the offending copycat site taken down.

While Facebook’s policy may be straightforward, other removal policies are more nuanced. For instance, we discussed above how some legal arguments and techniques will work better than others in getting content removed from news sites.

Understanding what the content removal policies are, and how the offending content violates these policies, put you in the best position to have the information removed.

When it is Time to Work With Content Removal Experts

You do not always need an expert to get negative information removed. In some instances, self-help measures work just fine. For instance, it is typically straightforward to remove data broker site information on your own by filling out a form.

However, there are times when it is best to get expert help. For instance, if your business is suffering from a slew of false negative reviews, or if your nude photos are circulating the web, you may want to consult an expert for your content removal needs.

Working with a content removal expert can help you achieve the results you want more quickly and more effectively. And when your business’s good name or even your safety is on the line, that is key.

When Online Reputation Management is the Best Use of Resources & Time

Sometimes, there is content that just cannot be removed from the internet. For instance, if the content is still newsworthy, or if the content has gone viral making complete removal impossible. When content removal is not an option, you may want to consider utilizing online reputation management services.

Utilizing online reputation management (ORM) strategies and services can help bolster your digital footprint by improving the top search results about you or your business. ORM agencies and services do this in two ways – by creating positive content about you, and by suppressing negative content. Using these services allows you to safeguard your reputation against the damage of negative content and protect you against future negative attacks.

Make sure to read our article by paralegal Kaelynn Vargo ‘How Much Does Online Reputation Management Cost?’.

How Long Does It Take to Remove Negative Content From the Internet?

There is no one answer for how long it takes to get something taken off the internet. Instead, it depends on the circumstances and type of content in each case. For example, in our experience, content like news articles or other items can take anywhere from a few days or weeks to three to six months to get content removed.

Some websites remove and respond to clear-cut abuse reports and removal requests within a few hours or days. In other situations, it can take weeks to break through and grab the attention of the appropriate webmaster and get a response.

When courts are involved, the time frame can be anywhere from a few months to a few years to get content taken down. However, we find that most online defamation lawsuits resolve within six to twelve months depending on the case.

How to Determine If Negative Online Content is Unlawful

There are a number of free strategies and tools you can utilize to identify (and prevent) damaging online content before it spirals out of control and causes irreparable damage to you or your business’s reputation. These include:

  • Set up a free Google Alerts account,
  • Google yourself,
  • Provide excellent customer service.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself From Inappropriate or Irrelevant Online Content?

Set Up Google Alerts to Monitor Your Online Reputation

The first step to protecting yourself from inappropriate or irrelevant online content is to monitor your online reputation and search results. You can save yourself time by creating a free Google Alert.

Enter your name or business name and the target keywords you want to monitor and how often you want to receive notifications. You will get an email notifying you whenever your inputted keywords are mentioned anywhere online.

Google Yourself

Another tip to finding negative online content about yourself is to Google yourself in “incognito” mode.

When you use incognito mode, you can view search results in the darker areas of the web (like shaming sites) without worrying that third-party services are tracking or recording your movements. This ensures that you will not be hit with ads and cookies from these types of sites.

Provide Stellar Customer Service

If you are a business, make sure to practice good customer support. You want to get ahead of disputes and resolve bad situations as soon as possible so that they do not escalate into a bad online review or social media smearing.

What Criteria Must Negative Online Content Meet to Be Considered Unlawful?

Generally, the number one thing to look at is whether the content is defamatory. Content is defamatory if it is a false statement made to a third-party (for instance, posted on the internet) that causes damage to a person or business’s reputation.

Here, we discuss in more detail how to remove defamatory content from Google. Make sure to also check out our blog post explaining how to remove defamatory content from the internet.

However, content can be unlawful even if it is not defamatory.

Content can be unlawful if it is published in a manner that is part of an unlawful online harassment campaign or online extortion or sextortion.

Content can also be unlawful if it violates certain privacy laws. For instance, it is unlawful to disclose private health information, personally-identifying information (like a social security number), intimate photos (like revenge porn), or child pornography.

It can also be unlawful if it advertises services in a deceptive or unfair manner or engages in cybersquatting. Further, it can be unlawful if it violates certain intellectual property rights like copyright or trademark.

There are many more reasons and ways that content can be unlawful. If you think that someone has published something unlawful about you or your business, consult an attorney.

What Happens When You Flag a Google Review as Inappropriate?

If someone has written an inappropriate or fake Google review about your business, and you cannot persuade the person who wrote it to take it down, you can try to have Google remove the review.

First, check Google’s review guidelines to determine whether the review will be considered inappropriate. Not all negative reviews are actionable. However, Google’s policies do prohibit a number of types of false reviews, including:

  • Spam and fake content,
  • Off-topic content,
  • Unlawful content,
  • Sexually explicit content,
  • Terroristic content,
  • Content that uses offensive and obscene language, and
  • Dangerous and derogatory content, among others.

If the review falls into one of these categories, you will want to flag the review. Try to get your friends and family to flag the review too, as that may lead to a greater chance of having the review removed.

Once the review is flagged, you will receive a follow-up email from Google letting you know they are looking into it. If you flag the review within your Google My Business account, you can generally expect a response in about 72 hours.

If you do not hear anything, or if they decide to keep the review up, you can contact Google Small Business Support directly. We recommend involving an attorney at this stage for the best chance of success.

Solutions Online Content Removal Services Can Offer

What Content Removal Solutions Will Help Repair Your Internet Reputation?

There are generally three types of service providers and solutions:

  • Internet defamation attorneys,
  • Content removal companies, and
  • Online reputation management companies.

Internet Defamation Attorneys

The stakes are high when negative online content has been posted about you or your business. It can be daunting, time-consuming, and difficult to go it alone. Internet defamation attorneys are experienced in understanding the nuances of defamation law. They have deep experience in removing unwanted and negative content.

When you work with internet defamation attorneys, like those at Minc Law, you are working with a team that handles issues like copyright law, harassment and stalking laws, obscenity laws, and interactive computer service laws every day.

Internet defamation attorneys understand the ins and outs of online extortion and they know the toll it can take on you. They have a proven track record in getting harassing or damaging online content removed. And they can quickly and cost-efficiently help you figure out your best course of legal action.

Are you being defamed online?

We have extensive experience removing defamatory content and holding perpetrators accountable.

Free Case Evaluation

Content Removal Companies

Buyer beware of content removal companies. Content removal companies are companies that claim they specialize in content removal. They often claim to offer guaranteed removal or money-back service.

Some content removal companies are more reputable than others. However, they are rarely transparent about what methods they use. Sometimes these methods are black hat solutions (or solutions that go against best internet practices), which can ultimately lead to more problems – including being banned from social media platforms.

Occasionally content removal companies are one and the same with the very websites they claim to be able to remove content from.

Be wary if the content removal company does not reveal details about how they operate or if there is no obvious way to speak to a real person at the company. For instance, be sure there is a phone number listed). In general, exercise extreme caution before using a content removal company.

Online Reputation Management Companies

Unlike content removal companies, online reputation management (ORM) companies – like ReputationDefender and BrandYourself – generally do not remove content. Instead, they focus on suppressing negative content.

Not all online reputation management companies are created equal. Do your homework before selecting one.

We at Minc Law also provide online reputation management services and can help bolster your online reputation by removing damaging content. Make sure to check out our article explaining online reputation management costs for further information.

How Can Regulations Enhance the Accountability of Internet Platforms?

The ORM and content removal business would be greatly enhanced by regulations. Currently, there are no laws in place that require ORMs or content removal companies to act in the best interests of their clients. There is also little to no transparency about the methods these companies use to remove content, whether they outsource work, or even where they are located.

Failure to regulate these companies leads to a potential minefield for consumers, potentially opening them (and you) up to lost money spent, even more harmful content being posted, and negative ramifications of working with them like being banned from certain services and social media sites.

How Can You Determine What Online Removal Services Are Best For You?

Because there are no regulations to do the vetting for you, you need to do the hard work yourself. Here are some ideas for how to thoroughly vet online removal services:

  • Check to see that the company has an online presence beyond its own website. Do they have social media pages? Community acknowledgments or reviews? Professional listings?
  • Make sure the company has a stellar online reputation. Any reviews or credible reports that they have engaged in scams is a big red flag.
  • Know whether they hold a professional license or are otherwise subject to some regulatory and ethical oversight from an outside organization.
  • Be able to speak with a live person. Have them walk through with you how the company will be accountable to you as a client. Make sure they will remain accountable throughout the relationship.
  • Better yet, be able to meet with someone from the company face to face – at least virtually through a video chat.
  • Understand through the company what the action plan is, and have a clear expectation from them about timing and expense.
  • Make sure you learn from them any associated risks with the services provided.

Attorneys are bound by jurisdictional laws and ethical standards. They are required to engage in ongoing communications with their clients. We at Minc Law can walk you through all these steps and help you best understand your online reputation needs.

Best Online Content Removal Services

Where Can You Find the Best Online Reputation Management Services?

There are no shortcuts to finding the best online reputation management services company. We recommend that you be thorough and take your time in your search.

As outlined above, do a thorough Google search and vet the companies you are choosing from. You do not want to end up in even more trouble due to rogue practices by these companies. You may also choose to ask around your network to see if anyone has used a company that they recommend.

If you are looking to hire an attorney to provide online reputation management services, you can vet them through a variety of online databases. These include Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, and

You can also search for the attorney through the local attorney bar association to ensure that no disciplinary actions have been filed against them or that there are no other red flags.

What Information Do Online Reputation Management Firms Remove From the Internet?

A good online reputation management firm can remove almost anything from the internet, including:

  • Consumer reviews and complaints,
  • News articles,
  • Blogs,
  • Websites,
  • Discussion forums,
  • Videos and other media,
  • Pictures, including mugshots,
  • Criminal records.

Look for a company or law firm, like Minc Law, that has no restrictions in the type of content they will help you remove. You want a company that will attempt to remove anything possible and will give you fair expectations as to the possibility of success. You also want a company that will engage in brand monitoring, so you know if your searches start to slide.

What Do the Best Online Content Removal Services Have in Common?

As discussed above, you need to be careful in choosing an online content removal service. If you choose the first one that comes up in a search, you may end up in a worse position than you started.

To summarize, the best online removal services are open and transparent with their policies, pricing, and location. They have good reviews and a stellar online reputation. There are no red flags, particularly flags around fraud or spam.

The best online removal services have an online presence beyond their website, including social media pages and review pages. They can speak with you clearly about what they can offer you and any associated risks.

Minc Law Can Help With Getting Content Removed From the Internet

If you are looking to get negative content removed from the internet, or need help with your online reputation, contact the seasoned attorneys at Minc Law.

We have successfully removed over 50,000 defamatory, negative, and unwanted web pages and content from the internet, and would like to help you.

To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an intake specialist, give us a call at (216) 373-7706, or fill out our contact form online.

Common Myths About Online Content Removal

There are many myths out there about online content removal. After reading through this article, you should know that many of these myths about content removal are just that.

Myth: Is It Impossible to Completely Remove Online Content?

This is false. “The internet is forever” is not necessarily true. It is possible to remove content from the internet completely. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

No one can promise content that has been removed will never come back. 98% of the time it does not, but there is always that 1-2% chance that it might.

No one can control what is posted on the internet. This means no one (including attorneys) can fully guarantee a persistent defamer will not post the content again in the future. However, if you obtain a court order, you can quickly take action against the poster if they repost negative content.

There are also situations where negative content is duplicated by people other than the original poster. Scraper websites, archives, and the dark web may copy negative content – sometimes without you even being aware of it. This is rare but does happen occasionally.

An experienced internet attorney can assist in removing content from the internet and help ensure nothing is posted again. In many cases, we at Minc Law have removed content even when we thought it had a slim chance of removal. We will do anything to help our clients find a way to remove damaging content.

Myth: Are All Removals Guaranteed?

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Unfortunately, many removal services are not guaranteed.

When working with a third-party such as a newspaper website, someone’s blog, or someone’s social media profile, guarantees cannot be made. This is because the websites and posters are not obligated to remove content from their own platforms.

If a removal service or law firm tells you their removals are guaranteed, please be wary. Nothing in life is guaranteed, especially on the internet.

Myth: Can You Request Google to Remove Content?

This is a complicated myth, but generally false. It is important to understand that Google is just a hosting platform. Removing information from Google does not remove it from the web, just search results. You need to know the source of the content you want to remove and who controls the source to completely remove the content.

Google will remove outdated content that has been changed or has been completely removed from the search results. But Google will not remove live content from the search results just because you do not want it there.

There is an exception to this rule. Google will typically remove content from their search results that is flagged as adult material or in violation of Google’s policies, the law, or Copyright laws.

Google will not remove content that is defamatory or negative simply because you want it gone. They have made it clear they do not want to be the judge and jury of what is true and what is not. Google has even issued a statement on this topic.

In Google’s own words:

Please remember that Google doesn’t own the web; we just help you find stuff on it. If you don’t like something on a website that Google doesn’t own, we really can’t make the website owner remove it, we can only remove it from Google Search results (if appropriate). Sorry!

In most cases, you will need to obtain a court order to de-index negative content from Google or force the original host to remove the content altogether. However, it is worth noting that Google has the final say in all removal and de-indexing requests.

To learn more about Google challenges to content removal, check out our article, “Can I Sue Google?”

Myth: Is Suppression Just as Good as Removal?

This is not true. Suppression is merely a temporary solution and does not have the same lasting effects as legal content removal. Suppression is never a permanent solution and should only be utilized as a last resort.

Suppression does not permanently hide content, because search engines are constantly changing their algorithms. This means you may effectively suppress content to page 5 of search results on one day, but the next day the content may move back to page one. As a result, suppression is a constant battle.

With suppression, you will constantly be looking over your shoulder, waiting for the content to reappear on page one of your search results. It is a continuous threat, and once you stop suppressing content, it will likely creep its way back up on your search results. Since most suppression service providers charge recurring monthly fees, the cost of suppression can quickly get out of hand.

Myth: If I Wait For Long Enough Will the Content Go Away?

Unfortunately, this is not how the internet works. If you ignore something or think it will just disappear from your search results magically, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

There is little to no chance content will disappear on its own. There have been some cases where a website will shut down and the content subsequently goes away, but this only happens about 1% of the time.

Myth: Is Removing Online Content Cheap & Easy?

Removing content from the internet is not free or easy. The old adage is true, “If it was easy, everybody would be doing it!”

Costs can increase substantially if litigation is necessary to get the content removed. Unfortunately, predicting the exact costs of litigation is nearly impossible, because pricing is dependent on multiple variables.

Even if you do not pursue litigation and attempt to suppress the content, total costs are hard to predict. As previously mentioned, suppression is often an ongoing activity that you will have to pay for month-to-month. The costs of keeping content suppressed can even exceed the costs of litigation.

Removing content from the internet is not easy, but experienced internet attorneys have the experience and knowledge to assist in these seemingly impossible situations.

Minc Law is upfront about costs and expenses and we are transparent so that our clients know what to expect. Providing quality services with budget considerations in mind is one of our primary goals. We strongly recommend reaching out to our firm via contact form, or by calling us by phone at 216-373-7706 to discuss your specific matter and available options going forward.


“Unbelievable! I am a C Suite executive who has dealt with the top law firms and Aaron, Daniel, and Kaelynn and team are superior in the quality and execution of matters than most of these firms. When I had an urgent issue arise related to defamatory content online, Aaron and his team jumped on the matter immediately and within a few days had the content down and deleted. Moreover, we have not stopped there and have initiated litigation to ensure that these are repercussions for such comments. I am writing this out of my own volition and at my urging because I would like others to know that if you have any issues with content online about yourself, you don’t have to feel helpless and can proactively identify and hold those responsible accountable. Thank you Minc Law firm. From bottom of my heart.”

Anonymous, Dec 11, 2020

If you would like to learn more about the costs involved in a defamation lawsuit, check out our article on the topic, “How Much Does a Defamation Lawsuit Cost? The Cost to Sue for Internet Defamation“. We go into great detail about all the factors that impact costs, and how you may be able to save money.

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