How to Remove Reports & Complaints from Featured Image

How to Remove Reports & Complaints from

In today’s digital age, an unfavorable article or report on a website like can severely damage your business’s reputation. These online complaint sites often rank highly in search engine results, meaning negative content about you or your business can appear prominently when potential clients search for you.

Such platforms often feature repurposed AI-generated material drawn from various sources, including negative reviews and social media posts. The goal is typically to cause significant harm, potentially compelling affected parties to take costly remedial actions. and similar sites appear to operate primarily for profit, often charging fees to remove damaging content. Unfortunately, taking legal action against such websites is challenging due to protections like Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which shields them from liability for third-party content. This leaves affected businesses with the option of either paying for content removal or facing costly, uncertain litigation.

Seeking expert legal advice is crucial when navigating these issues. An experienced defamation attorney can help you assess the situation and decide on the best course of action, whether that’s negotiating content removal or exploring legal avenues to unmask the author and pursue damages.

In this article, we provide key insights into, the impact of defamatory content, and actionable strategies for mitigating the damage these sites can cause.

What Is is a member site of the “Critical Intel Network”, which claims to be “a nonprofit, independent network of free-speech platforms dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good.” Think of this network like Google Reviews and Yelp but with a focus on the negative, specifically, specifically, warning other users about scams, fraud, and scandals.

Due to that focus and its offer of anonymity through its submission process, is an attractive platform for individuals, including competitors, to post unjustified and defamatory attacks for malicious purposes.

What Are Shaming Websites?

Because it is so easy to inflict reputational damage through the Internet, an entire industry of shaming websites, complaint portals, and scam sites has emerged to capitalize on people’s pain. A shaming website is a largely unmoderated online platform where users are encouraged to post alarming complaints and scandalous accusations about a person, business, or product.

Competitors, disgruntled ex-employees, and personal adversaries will use the cloak of anonymity offered by shaming websites to inflict irreparable injury to the reputation and other interests of their target.

Is Considered a Shaming Website? has many characteristics in common with other well-known shaming websites, such as Gripeo and ComplaintsBoard.

Unlike cheater websites, which focus on accusations of infidelity, or mugshot sites that publish arrest records, and shaming sites similar to it target businesses and professionals and their interactions with consumers. That is noteworthy because speech aimed at consumer protection is often afforded greater Constitutional deference.

Regardless of that outwardly facing good faith intent, the platforms offered by and other similar sites are far too easy to abuse.

Furthermore, because sites like claim to be comprised of content contributed by third-party users, they usually take the position that it is immune from legal liability under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (more on this below).

Reasons to Remove Defamatory Content From

When you or your business are attacked on a site like, the harm can be immeasurable. Besides a customer complaint portal containing negative information about you being highly visible in your search results, there are additional ways a defamatory post on can cause a cascading negative effect — which we address below.

Impact of Shaming Site Reports on Individuals & Businesses

There are many ways negative reviews can damage you and your business. Consumers are greatly influenced by online reviews; in fact, 94% of consumers are more likely to avoid a business if they read a negative review — and the more negative reviews a business has, the more likely a customer will be to steer clear.

Negative reviews or posts on platforms like can certainly have a direct impact on your revenue and bottom line. In some dire cases, businesses may even be forced to close due to the damaging effects of a defamatory post on the first page of Google search results.

Not only can defamatory content affect your revenue and sales, but it can also have compounding effects, such as damaging your brand’s public reputation and making it difficult to attract and retain quality talent.

Prominent in Search Results

When considering whether to patronize a business or professional, most consumers do not visit and search for “John Smith” or “Acme Co.” Instead, they search for that professional or business on Google, the world’s most widely utilized search engine (by far). If there is a post about you on its website, will appear among your other prominent search results, such as those results you want consumers to find. prioritizes SEO (search engine optimization). The aim of SEO is to increase visibility in search results and improve the quantity and quality of online traffic.

As a result, is very likely to appear on the first page of Google results for keywords contained in each report, such as your name or your business’s name.

And search engines such as Google often go a step further than simply listing page titles and links; they display what they consider to be the most relevant phrases or images about whatever the user is searching for in what is called a “meta description”. As a result, a casual reader might see the worst contents of a defamatory post after a simple Google search for your name without even visiting the page.

How to Remove Articles, Reports, & Complaints From

If someone is utilizing to defame you or your business, you should take action quickly.

Not only do statutes of limitations place a time limit in which you can bring a lawsuit against the culprit, but the longer the content remains published online, the higher the risk it will spread or go viral. Shaming sites are constantly “re-publishing” content they steal from one of their competitor sites. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to lose any sense of containment on the problem.

Determine if the Content is Defamatory

If a lawsuit is desired, defamation is the most likely cause of action that will arise out of a publication on However, alternative claims, such as business disparagement claims, invasion of privacy torts, and copyright laws, may also be explored.

To succeed on a defamation claim in most jurisdictions, the speech at issue must satisfy the following four elements:

  • A false statement of fact concerning you or your business,
  • communicated by the defendant to a third party.
  • with at least a negligent level of fault and
  • resulting in damage to you and/or your business.

But be aware that there are strong and abundant defenses to defamation and several applicable privileges, some of which can defeat a defamation or other speech-related claim no matter the amount of damage that has resulted.

For example, if the statement is one of opinion (“This lawyer is far below average as a blogger”), it cannot be considered defamatory.

Alternatives to Defamation Lawsuits for Removing False Reports From

While pursuing a defamation lawsuit may seem like the most effective course of action, it is often expensive, time-consuming, and uncertain. Fortunately, there are several alternative strategies that individuals and businesses can explore to address fake or inaccurate reports on and similar shaming websites.

  1. Negotiating With Website Owners
    Many shaming websites are willing to remove content in exchange for a fee. In some cases, website owners are open to negotiations if approached professionally and with a compelling argument for removal. An experienced attorney can facilitate these discussions to help you achieve a resolution without resorting to litigation.
  2. Requesting Editorial Corrections
    If the content on contains factual inaccuracies, submitting an editorial correction request may be an effective option. Some websites offer a process to dispute or clarify misleading claims, particularly if you can provide evidence that disproves the statements made in the report. While this approach does not guarantee removal, it can result in content revisions that mitigate reputational harm.
  3. Sending a DMCA Takedown Notice
    If the false report contains copyrighted material—such as images, videos, or text that you own—you may have grounds to issue a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notice. By submitting a formal request to the website and its hosting provider, you can compel the removal of infringing content. This approach is particularly effective when the content is copied from other sources without permission.
  4. Issuing a Cease and Desist Letter
    A cease and desist letter can serve as a powerful tool to demand the removal of defamatory content from the individual who submitted the report. These letters, drafted by an attorney, outline the legal consequences of maintaining false information online and request immediate corrective action. In many cases, a strongly worded letter can prompt voluntary content removal without the need for further legal action.
  5. Exploring Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
    For those seeking to avoid public litigation, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods—such as mediation or arbitration—can provide a confidential and cost-effective means of resolving disputes with the individual who submitted the defamatory content. ADR allows both parties to negotiate a resolution with the assistance of a neutral third party, often resulting in content removal agreements without court involvement.

Work With an Experienced Attorney to Explore Your Removal Options

Online defamation is a relatively new and still-developing area of law, which means that its outcomes are not always dictated by case law precedent from the previous century. Your representative should be experienced specifically in online defamation and, more specifically, as it relates to sites such as

You may find advertisements from online reputation management (ORM) companies for removal services from these sites. That is certainly an option. However, a word of caution. While attorneys are licensed and bound by strict ethical rules, ORM companies are not overseen by any regulatory authority. Little or no recourse is offered if they commit professional negligence or engage in nefarious actions. The worst of the bunch will actually make your problems worse because, once retained, it is in their financial interest to make a mess they have to clean up.

One issue we have repeatedly encountered is when a client has previously hired an ORM company, which took an ill-advised aggressive approach with sites like For instance, if the ORM company has flooded’s hosting provider or Google with invalid copyright violation notices, any viable solution through will become much more difficult (and expensive). In some extreme circumstances, sites such as will refuse to offer any relief simply due to the hostility it has already encountered.

Another risk is that an ORM company that knows how to fix your reputation knows just as well how to destroy it if your relationship goes south. Some of these companies have close relationships with the various shaming websites, and if you have a dispute with the ORM service, you may find that the website will offer no relief unless you pay whatever the ORM claims you may owe for its own services you chose not to utilize.

Experienced internet defamation attorneys, on the other hand, are bound by professional rules. And, of course, an attorney can file and pursue a lawsuit if needed.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Engaging a Law Firm or ORM Service

When choosing a representative (whether it is a law firm or an ORM service), choose the individual—not the agency. Make sure to ask yourself the following questions about the person who may represent you:

  • Do you know the individual’s full name and physical address (where their business is located)?
  • Are you able to meet with them in person if you so desire?
  • Does their website contain specific information about their practice and demonstrate their experience in this area?

You should have concerns if you only know them by first name, you can not see a picture of them on their website, and you can not go to their office and shake their hand.

What Can I Do if the Publisher is Anonymous?

If you desire to know the identity of the person who published the content on and hold that person accountable, you can file a John Doe lawsuit and utilize the discovery process to unmask the culprit’s identity. In that scenario, retaining an experienced internet defamation attorney is essential.

We Can Help Remove Fake Reports From

At Minc Law, we have successfully helped various individuals and businesses successfully remove false and damaging reviews or reports from

If you or your business are the targets of fake online reviews or complaints, contact us today for a free case review by calling (216) 373-7706, speaking with a Chat representative, or filling out our online contact form.

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This page has been peer-reviewed, fact-checked, and edited by qualified attorneys to ensure substantive accuracy and coverage.

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