How to Push Down Negative Search Results on Google Featured Image

How to Push Down Negative Search Results on Google

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Navigating the digital terrain can be challenging, particularly when negative search results threaten your personal or professional reputation. Understanding how to push down negative search results on Google is essential for individuals and businesses alike, ensuring a positive online presence that promotes trust and credibility.

Some effective strategies to push down negative search results include:

  • Create and manage all online profiles and accounts;
  • Create constructive original content and contribute content to third-party sites;
  • Utilize search engine removal request mechanisms;
  • Implementing best SEO practices to improve search results;
  • Work with experienced online reputation management professionals.

At Minc Law, our expertise spans online reputation management, content removal, and internet defamation. Having successfully assisted many individuals and businesses in eliminating damaging and defamatory content from search engines like Google, we fully understand the steps and procedures required to detect harmful content and improve one’s digital footprint.


This article will guide you on how to push down negative search results on Google, helping you protect your reputation and create a more favorable first impression for those who search for you or your company online.

Why a Positive Online Reputation in Search Results is Important

In today’s interconnected world, your digital footprint carries significant weight. With people constantly searching for information online, it is paramount to ensure a positive online presence, as it influences their perception, trust, and decision-making when it comes to engaging with you or your business.

What is the Impact of Negative Search Results on Individuals & Businesses?

Negative search results can significantly impact both individuals and businesses, causing harm to their online reputation and credibility. When someone encounters negative information about you or your company during an online search, it can erode trust and potentially result in lost business or job opportunities.

For individuals, negative search results can lead to personal and professional setbacks, deterring potential employers or business partners from collaborating with you. These setbacks can also be emotionally distressing, causing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

For organizations, negative search results can harm your reputation and your finances. A poor online reputation may result in decreased sales, lost customers, and a damaged image. It can also hinder your ability to attract new customers and keep existing ones, ultimately impacting your profitability.

In fact, a Harvard Business School study found that a one-star increase on Yelp could lead to a five to nine percent increase in revenue for restaurants. Conversely, 86% of consumers are hesitant to purchase from a business with negative reviews.

Further, nearly 92% of people searching on Google only look at the first page. This means most potential clients or customers will not go beyond the first page to find good things about you. If the first page is not filled with positive and up-to-date articles, websites, and reviews, you could be missing out.

What Are Common Types of Online Content You May Want to Suppress in Search Results?

Various types of online content can affect your reputation or brand image. Suppressing unwanted content can help minimize its impact and safeguard your online presence. Some common types of harmful content you may want to push down in search results include:

  • Defamatory Articles: content containing false or misleading information can seriously damage your personal or professional reputation.
  • Unflattering Images and Videos: images and videos that are embarrassing, inappropriate, or unprofessional can negatively affect others’ perceptions of you or your brand.
  • Offensive Social Media Posts: offensive, controversial, or poorly-worded social media posts can tarnish your image and potentially cost you career opportunities.
  • Legal Issues: public records of lawsuits or criminal charges can cast a negative light on your character and harm your professional reputation.
  • Outdated Content: old news, information, or content that no longer reflects your current beliefs or professional standing can cause confusion and misrepresentation.
  • Forum Posts: comments in forums that contain controversial opinions can harm your reputation, particularly when taken out of context.
  • Personal Information: Suppressing private information, such as your home address, phone number, or sensitive financial data, is necessary to protect your privacy and prevent identity theft.
  • Negative Reviews: unfavorable reviews on platforms like Yelp, Google, or social media can significantly harm your business’s reputation and deter potential customers.

By addressing these common types of negative content, you can work to maintain a positive online presence and protect your reputation from potential damage.

How Do You Identify All of the Negative Search Results About You?

It is important to know how to effectively “Google yourself,” as it enables you to track your online reputation and pinpoint any search results that could harm your image. To search for damaging online content, follow these steps:

  • Google your full name, including titles and suffixes;
  • Try different search engines;
  • Search for your location;
  • Google your phone number;
  • Construct your queries as if you were a defamer;
  • Utilize search modifiers;
  • Explore related and linked websites;
  • Set search result time restraints;
  • Conduct a reverse image search;
  • Use incognito search to avoid personalized results;
  • Take advantage of Google’s built-in features to identify various types of content.

Also, consider using Google Alerts for your name and other relevant terms to receive notifications when new content about you appears online. This proactive approach will help you stay informed of any new negative search results and enable you to address them promptly.

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How to Push Down Negative Search Results on Google

Pushing down negative search results is a useful strategy to reduce their effect on your online image. By mastering the key methods that focus on driving harmful content down in search rankings, you can make it less visible to those searching for you or your business.

Create & Manage Your Online Profiles

You can push down negative search results by managing your online profiles and sharing valuable, relevant content. By establishing a strong presence on popular platforms, you can overshadow negative content and improve your overall online reputation. This approach helps ensure that when people search for you or your business, they encounter positive content first.

Some commonly used profiles for individuals include LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and personal websites or blogs. For businesses, consider creating profiles and collecting reviews on platforms such as Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as industry-specific directories and review websites.

Create Original Content & Contribute Content to Third Party Sites

Creating original content and contributing to third-party sites is a powerful way to push down negative search results while demonstrating your expertise. By publishing valuable content on reputable platforms, you can use their existing authority to rank higher in search results for your primary keywords.

First, optimize and refresh any existing content or blogs you have. Update outdated information, add relevant keywords, and ensure the content is well-structured and engaging. Regularly refreshing your content indicates to search engines that your website is active and current, which can improve your search rankings.

Contributing to third-party sites, such as social platforms, industry-specific websites, or reputable online publications, allows you to leverage their established authority. These platforms often rank higher in search results due to their credibility and extensive user engagement. By publishing content such as interviews or guest blogs on these sites, you can create digital assets that help suppress negative search results and elevate your online presence.

Additionally, diversifying the type of content you create can help you reach a wider audience and improve your search rankings. Consider producing articles, infographics, videos, podcasts, or other multimedia content that appeals to different users and showcases your expertise across various formats.

Utilize Search Engine Removal Request Mechanisms or De-Indexing

Taking advantage of search engine removal request mechanisms or de-indexing can help you address specific negative search results that are harmful to your online reputation. While it is not always possible to remove content from search engines, some types of content do qualify for removal, and in other cases, you may be able to request that a webmaster add a no-index tag to the URL.

Search engines like Google have policies that allow you to request the removal of certain types of content. Examples include personal information like social security numbers, credit card numbers, or explicit images shared without consent. You can submit a removal request through Google’s content removal tool, but remember that this process may take some time, and not all requests are guaranteed to be successful.

If the content in question is incorrect or violates Google’s Terms of Service (ToS), you have the option to flag the content. This approach is effective only if the content genuinely breaches the ToS.

If you cannot remove the content directly, consider contacting the webmaster of the site hosting the harmful content. Politely explain your concerns and ask if they can add a no-index tax to the URL. Adding a no-index tag means the page will not appear in search results, making it invisible to most users. Keep in mind that the webmaster is not obligated to comply with your request, so it is essential to approach them respectfully and diplomatically.

Implement Best Search Engine Optimization Practices

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in improving your online presence and pushing down negative search results. By implementing strong SEO practices, you can ensure that your positive content ranks higher in search results, making it more visible to users and overshadowing any negative content.

Effective SEO practices include:

  • Keyword research: identify and target relevant keywords that your audience will likely use when searching for information about you or your business.
  • Quality content: create informative, engaging, and well-structured content that enriches your audience’s experience and showcases your expertise.
  • On-page optimization: optimize your content, meta tags, headers, and URLs with targeted keywords to improve search engine rankings.
  • Page speed optimization: improve your site’s loading speed, as faster websites tend to rank higher in search results.
  • Secure your site: use HTTPS to ensure your website is secure, as search engines prioritize secure sites in their rankings.

Profile linking is another valuable SEO technique that involves creating and optimizing profiles on various online platforms, then linking back to your website or main content. This strategy helps build your online presence and can improve your search rankings by associating your website with authoritative platforms. When creating these profiles, ensure the information is consistent and accurately represents your personal or professional brand.

Work With Online Reputation Management Professionals

Working with online reputation management (ORM) professionals can be a highly effective way to push down or suppress unwanted content in search results. ORM experts have specialized knowledge and experience in dealing with negative search results and can help you develop a tailored strategy to improve your online reputation.

In cases where suppressing harmful content is not enough, and you want the content removed entirely, it may be worth exploring legal options. Consult with an attorney experienced in internet law or defamation to understand your rights and the potential legal avenues available to address the situation.

Effective Strategies to Remove Negative Search Results on Google

While pushing down harmful content can be effective in many situations, there may be instances where the negative search results are too damaging or persistent to be suppressed. In such cases, exploring options for removing negative content from Google search results may be the best course of action to protect your online reputation.

Remove Negative Content That You Have Control Over

A simple yet effective starting point for managing negative search results is focusing on the content you have direct control over. This includes removing or updating any content on websites, social media accounts, blogs, or other online platforms that you manage.

Make an Editorial Request

In some cases, making an editorial request may be an effective strategy to remove negative content from websites, news articles, or blogs. An editorial request involves a polite dialogue between you and a website owner. Unlike demand letters, editorial requests do not contain threats of legal action. This approach works best with news outlets, media websites, and blogs when the content is fact-based, true, and not defamatory.

It can be beneficial to have an attorney’s assistance when making these requests, as they can provide specialized knowledge, experience, and an objective perspective.

There are several reasons why it may make sense to hire a lawyer for editorial requests:

  • Specialized knowledge and expertise: lawyers have an in-depth understanding of relevant laws and regulations and experience negotiating with website owners and editors.
  • Objectivity: when dealing with negative information about yourself, it can be challenging to remain calm and objective. Lawyers can act as a buffer, keeping emotions out of the equation and focusing on the legal issues at hand.
  • Negotiating power: lawyers are skilled negotiators who can work on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome.

If you would like to learn more about making an editorial request, we recommend reading our article, “4 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Removing Negative News Articles.”

Work With an Attorney to Send a Demand Letter

A demand or cease and desist letter requests an individual or entity halt any potentially unlawful actions and refrain from repeating them in the future. The letter typically concludes by stating that legal action may follow if the recipient fails to remove the offending material and refrain from posting additional harmful content.

When you know the perpetrator, a well-crafted demand letter can be an effective tool. It is more cost-effective than pursuing a court order and may help achieve your objectives swiftly while avoiding the emotional stress of litigation. However, exercise caution when sending such letters, as an ineffective one could lead to the “Streisand Effect.”

Generally, a demand letter drafted by an internet defamation attorney yields better results. This adds weight to the letter and demonstrates your seriousness about pursuing legal action if necessary.

Send a DMCA Takedown Notice

If the content includes your original photographs, artistic creations, or writings, it may infringe on your copyrights. When your copyrighted work is published without your consent, you can issue a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notice.

A DMCA takedown notice serves as a legal request to remove copyrighted material that has been unlawfully posted online. It is sent by the copyright holder to the individual who posted the content without permission or to the website or search engine where the content appears. DMCA takedown notices offer the advantage of being quicker than a court order.

Properly preparing and sending a DMCA takedown notice can be challenging, and if not executed correctly, they may be ignored. For assistance with complex DMCA removals, it is advisable to seek the help of an attorney.

File a Defamation Suit if the Content is Libelous

If the negative content is defamatory, you may consider filing a defamation lawsuit. Defamatory content can be considered libelous if it is published in writing, while slander refers to spoken defamation. To determine if the content is defamatory, consider whether the statement is false and caused harm to your reputation.

In a defamation lawsuit, you would typically need to prove the following elements:

  1. The statement was false and not merely an opinion.
  2. The statement was published to a third party.
  3. The statement caused harm to your reputation or financial losses.
  4. The person who made the statement was at least negligent, if not intentionally malicious.

If the identity of the person who published the defamatory content is unknown, you can file a John Doe lawsuit. In such cases, the court may grant permission to conduct discovery to uncover the identity of the anonymous person, allowing you to proceed with the defamation claim against them.

If you are successful in a defamation lawsuit, the court may order the removal of the defamatory content and potentially award damages for the harm caused to your reputation.

Video: What Does it Take to File a Defamation of Character Lawsuit?

Video Placeholder


Obtain a Court Order to Compel the Removal of the Negative Content

Obtaining a court order to compel the removal of negative content may become necessary if the publisher is unwilling or unable to remove it. The only way to get a court order is by first filing a lawsuit.

In some instances, even when the defamer is willing to remove the content, they might be unable to do so due to technical reasons or lack of access to the platform where the content was posted. In these cases, you may need to obtain a court order directed at the website, platform, or internet service provider (ISP) that hosts the content for it to be removed.

A court order is a legally binding document that requires the party receiving it to comply with the specified demands. Failure to comply with a court order can result in legal penalties. When you have a court order, ISPs and website owners are more likely to cooperate in removing the negative content to avoid any legal consequences.

Utilize the Right to Be Forgotten (For Europeans)

The Right to Be Forgotten (RTBF) is a legal concept that allows individuals in the European Union (EU) to request the removal of personal information from search engine results and websites under certain circumstances. This right is now part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To exercise the RTBF, individuals can submit a request directly to the search engine provider, such as Google, or the website that hosts the unwanted content. The provider or website owner is then required to evaluate the request, weighing the individual’s right to privacy against the public’s interest in having access to the information. If the provider or website owner agrees that the content should be removed, they must take necessary steps to erase the data.

It is important to note that the RTBF primarily applies to search engine results and not the actual content on websites. In some cases, the content might still be accessible on the website itself, but it will no longer appear in search engine results.

If you want to explore content removal or suppression services on Bing, we recommend reading our comprehensive guide ‘How to Remove Defamatory & Damaging Content From Bing Search Results’. We also recommend that you read ‘How to Get Something Taken Off the Internet’ and ‘How to Remove Defamatory Content From Google’.

Tips to Maintain a Positive Online Reputation After Pushing Down Negative Search Results

Once you have pushed down negative search results, it is essential to maintain a positive online reputation to avoid future issues. By monitoring and maintaining a strong digital footprint, you can ensure your personal or professional image remains positive and appealing to your target audience.

Engage With an Online Audience

By interacting with your followers, customers, or clients through social media platforms, blog comments, or forums, you demonstrate that you value their opinions and are open to feedback. This helps build trust and credibility, and fosters a strong relationship with your audience.

Regular engagement also allows you to quickly deal with negative content, which can contribute to a more favorable online presence.

Continue Creating Positive Online Content

Continuing to create and share positive content is essential for maintaining a strong online reputation. Publishing high-quality content helps establish authority in your field while also improving your visibility in search results.

Consistently generating constructive content also helps to counterbalance any negative information.

Respond to Reviews

If you are in business, you will probably face bad reviews at some point. It is important to know how to respond to negative reviews, as they can affect your online image (and success). Here is how to deal with negative reviews:

  • Respond promptly to the review and address the customer by name unless confidentiality restrictions apply.
  • Make an effort to understand the customer’s concerns and express gratitude for their feedback.
  • Show sympathy and offer a genuine apology.
  • Propose a solution to resolve the issue.
  • Keep your response concise and focused.
  • Aim to move the conversation offline if possible.
  • Refrain from becoming defensive or insulting the customer.
  • Recognize when it is best to let go of a review and move forward.

Learn to Collect Positive Reviews

Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences by making it easy for them to leave reviews on your website or relevant platforms.

Also, provide excellent service and engage with your customers, as this can lead to more favorable reviews in the long run.

Monitor Your Digital Footprint Regularly

Regularly examine search results, social media channels, and other relevant platforms to promptly identify and address any unwanted content.

Use tools like Google Alerts, digital risk protection services, and social media monitoring tools to help you keep track of your digital footprint and detect potential issues before they escalate.

We Can Help Remove Negative Content From Google

It can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to begin when it comes to identifying and removing damaging online content about you or your business. Each content removal situation is unique. At Minc Law, we have extensive experience removing defamatory and damaging content from Google, and other popular search engines (including Bing).

We are highly experienced in navigating Google’s removal policies and the best practices for removing damaging content from search engines. We also provide custom online reputation management services and digital monitoring services for individuals and businesses that want to proactively take charge of bolstering and monitoring their reputations.

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